Friday, September 24, 2010

The Moon

"When I look at Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him?" (Psalm 8:3-4) 
The moon is a beautiful thing.

The moon shot directly above was taken two nights ago when Jupiter and the moon came closer together than they've been since 1963. Believe it or not, the bluish-green blur below is Jupiter! (Sorry I couldn't do better on photo quality!)

Here they are both together, the little white speck being Jupiter:

As previously stated, the moon and other creations in our solar system and galaxy are beautiful indeed! Whether it's the moon, a planet, the sun, or the stars, the majesty of the universe boggles our minds.

Having seen such glory, we can more fully appreciate David's feelings when he penned the words of Psalm 8:3-4 (or the whole psalm, for that matter!). You look up at that majestic moon, or that distant planet, or those twinkling stars, and you can only wonder: "Who am I?"

There are such greater glories than us out there, things far more beautiful, powerful, and majestic than us. Why would God bother to look at us, as wretched and sinful as we are? We are weak, we are small, we are finite, limited in so many ways. Why is God mindful of us?

The psalm makes it clear that there is one reason: it is for His own glory and the sake of His great majesty. Only a God of infinite glory could take finite creatures like humans and give them absolute dominion over all of creation. Yes, we're lower than the heavenly beings (Ps. 8:5), but God has set us over everything (Ps. 8:5-8)! And so I ask you, whose glory is greatest? Is it not the God who gave feeble mankind dominion over all of creation?

Our God is an awesome God. We humans may be feeble compared to the moon, planets, sun, and stars, but our powerful, mighty God has given us dominion over it all. How majestic He is!


Hannah said...

Tried to comment here last week...but I'm lovin' that last pano. Assuming it IS one. :) Looks like it.

And the subject matter there is something I was thinkin' about when we were in WV. We're just so SMALL, and the Lord's just so BIG. Who are we to think we can just do our own thing? In anything? How much does He deserve all of our worship and praise...and obedience in all things? I think there are a lot of areas I haven't really realized that I've not given to Him, or even realized maybe He might want me to change in. Being out in nature, where you can just be quiet and see His greatness better, in some ways, just sort of helped me stop and think. Now to do! And this is a really long comment. :)

Unknown said...

Yeah, I was having some comment issues last week. All fixed now :)

And yes, the last photo is a pano. My first successful night pano too!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. God certainly is worthy, and we are so unworthy. He is so much greater and bigger. Why is that so easy to forget? Certainly seeing the greatness of His glory in creation is a tremendous help.

And I really like long comments, so no worries ;)

Anonymous said...

How precious to read Hannah's discussion with you.
The Night Sky was on my "Wish List" of things to see in Jerusalem recently! For a variety of reasons it was not overly clear, and my shot of the moon looks more like yours of Jupiter(!) but I KNOW it's the moon that God created and it was special to see it with my feet in Jerusalem. And it's the very same moon that YOU see. Awesome, isn't it??

Unknown said...

JERUSALEM? What were you doing there? I'd love to go there some day.

It is really neat to think that the same moon I see is the one you folks across the world see. Somehow or another it makes its way around :)