Saturday, July 17, 2010

They Shall Speak

On the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works, I will meditate. They shall speak of the might of Your awesome deeds, and I will declare Your greatness. They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness. (Psalm 145:5-7) 
God's works are amazing. God has done many amazing works, the greatest of which was, without a doubt, the saving of sinful souls through the death of His Son. That is His greatest work, but by no means is it His only work. Another one of His works that is absolutely astounding to meditate upon is His glorious creation. God's work in creation is the work I want to focus on in this post.

Lately, the things I've seen in creation have been simply beautiful. Below is a picture I got on a calm afternoon shortly after some rain. Tyler and I went out there and got some pictures. It was peaceful and beautiful, though hot if I remember right.

 This is a caterpillar that I found in the woods. Cute little fella'. I think he turns into a Pearly Crescentspot, a butterfly that I have pictures of elsewhere on this blog. (Look for an orange and black butterfly in the "Fliers" post).

This sunset was just over a week ago. Glorious, royal colors, aren't they?

This is a Hickory nut. 'Nuff said. ;)

This was a wide-angle/panoramic shot I got of the horse field south of our house (see map below). It was another hot day, but still beautiful.

This sunset was 1-1/2 weeks ago. A "simple" sunset, yet still gorgeous. The haze on the western horizon made the sun glow BRIGHT orange/red.

This is a picture from the home of some friends of ours that go to our church. They have a beautiful, hilly plot of land, so Tyler and I took our cameras and got some pictures. Beautiful!

This was one of the most beautiful sunsets I have personally ever seen. It was so huge and bright and colorful. This is a tiny point of the whole scene. (More is captured on the photo at the very bottom of this post). It was so amazing. One of those sunsets that almost literally shouts out the praise of God. "God made me! How much greater must He be?"

This was a morning earlier this week. One of the few mornings of the year where the fog is just right to produce sun rays like this. It doesn't happen very often, but it is beautiful when it does.

Photographs truly don't do these scenes justice. They were so much more beautiful. So much more magnificent. Yet to look at them, even if only their photographs, and realize that each and every one of these things was created specifically and intentionally by God. He created all of this! How magnificent are His works! The thunderhead silhouetted by the setting sun declares the might of His awesome deeds. The green life of the early morning declares His abundant goodness. And even the Hickory nut declares, if nothing else, the abundance of God's righteousness :)

Truly all of God's creation declares His glory, majesty, power, goodness, and righteousness. But let us not miss the second half of verse six: "and I will declare Your greatness." Along with creation, we can join in declaring God's greatness. What a privilege! Let us strive both to see God's glory in His mighty works as well as to declare them, for we also are one of His works.

(If you didn't get what was funny about the Hickory nuts, let me just say that we have a LOT of them.)

1 comment:

vdhkids said...

great pictures/great thoughts, Sam