About My Photography

I enjoy photography immensely. I don't plan on doing it for a living, so it remains a hobby, but it is a permanent hobby. However, I have felt that it would be beneficial to explain my position on photography. Do I do it just for fun? Do I do it for profit? Are my photos enhanced in any way?

Why am I a photographer?

One simple reason: I love it! I love getting out and beholding the beauty God has so powerfully etched into this world. I get to see some incredible things, and I am so grateful for those opportunities. By my photography, I purpose to see the beauty of God's creation, to preserve what I see, and finally to share it. My hope and prayer is that my photography shouts out: “This is beautiful, and my God made it!”

How do I do photography?

There is one summarizing “maxim” for my photography: You are not trying to make something beautiful; you are trying to capture the beauty that is already there. This is what I try to remind myself when I am on a photographic outing. My reason is simple: it's not about my talent, or at least it shouldn't be. I do not want to draw attention to myself as the artist and photographer, but to God as the Creator and Maintainer. That said, there is virtually no photo enhancement, only that which makes the image look more like what I really saw.

One final note: 
By no means do I hold this to be the only right method of photography. It is just my way. There can be many other good reasons for photography which lead to many other good methods. This is just mine, and it's for me. There are many different views, and as far as I'm concerned, as long as they derive from the intent to glorify the Originator of the beauty, they are beautiful. True beauty in photography is that which glorifies the Originator of the beauty. How that's done depends on the artist.

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