Friday, November 20, 2009

Isaiah 55:8-9

On November 11, my brother (who also enjoys photography) and I went outside at about 9:00 PM with our cameras and my tripod. It may seem crazy (I know it did to me!), but we were out there on that pitch dark, moonless night to try to get star pictures. I've personally never succeeded at that, but tonight was different. Tyler had been showing me a lot of the camera functions he had been learning, such as aperture, iso, and shutter speed. Using these functions, we managed to get some amazing pictures that brought out the awesome spread of stars.

I'm sure some of you have been outside on a moonless night, and if you happened to be out there sort of far from any town, you'll know how awesome it is when you look up toward the stars. They are EVERYWHERE!!! Just millions and billions, all over the place. It is really cool. These pictures don't quite do it justice, but that night it was really awesome. We spent quite a while out there, taking turns with the tripod to get good pictures of the stars.

It was really neat when we got inside to see the pictures and how many stars our cameras had picked up. That little star cluster down in the bottom right corner is called the Seven Sisters or Pleiades. To our eyes it was just a little bright cloud, but when we got it on our cameras we could see even the individual little stars! Our cameras were almost like digital telescopes or something!

After we had gotten these star pictures, I wanted to make one of them into a verse picture. So I looked in a concordance for a passage that would go with one of my pictures. I found one in Isaiah 55:8-9. I also wanted to incorporate a little bit of Star Wars, so I had some fun getting all the text just right. Here's what I wound up with:
It's such a neat passage, especially if you take it out and think about it when you go out under the stars. They are so high! And to think that in the same way God's thoughts are higher than my thoughts. It really gave me a new perspective on God and how much higher He is than I am. It is awesome to think about. It's one of those neat parallels God has put in creation to show me spiritual truths in a physical way so I can understand them better. He gives a spiritual concept a physical parallel that I can relate to, which gives the concept more meaning and reality. How neat for me to have been able to see that parallel, and photograph it! Isaiah wasn't able to photograph it, but I bet he would have if he could have.


audrey said...

One generation shall praise Thy works to another, and shall declare Thy mighty acts.
Psalm 145:4 (KJV)

Thank you, Sam.

Tyler van der Hoeven said...

That was a very special evening! I must add that we saw a shooting star, which was very special to me. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised!

Unknown said...

Yeah! I meant to tell about the shooting star, but I totally forgot! It was neat though.