Monday, November 9, 2009

June 2, 2009 - Final Clouds

After I had scared off the little herd of deer, I headed back up the hill toward the place where I had first seen them. I looked out towards where the big ice-cream cloud had been, and found it had gone atomic. So far everyone who has seen this picture has said that it looks like an atomic bomb going off. It was an awesome sight. I sat there and took a lot of pictures, but really not that many good ones. I just couldn't photograph it like it really was. You just can't capture the sheer size of a thing like this with a camera. By now (I checked on the radar again), this cloud was about 40 miles away, if that helps you get an idea of how big this cloud is. I can't recall if I used any zoom or not, but if I did it wasn't much. This cloud was simply massive.

After I'd spent some time up at this cloud, I went back toward our house and took pictures of many of the other large clouds that were floating around our house.

All these massive clouds just got me thinking how amazing it is that I could be out there so fearlessly. Here were all these massive clouds just floating around me, and I wasn't even the least bit afraid. I was certainly a bit awe-struck, but not afraid. I realized how very confident I had to be in God's rules staying the same and these monstrous clouds following them! If one of those giants were to somehow break the laws that held it in the air, I'd be smothered with cloud very quickly.

I was also reminded of how very small I am. Here were these gigantic clouds just flying around through the sky over my head, so high that I had to strain my neck to see them. They were reaching heights I never want to reach without an airplane, and were way more massive than I could ever be (unless I ate WAY to much!). Those clouds were really amazing.

As it got darker, I headed inside and checked the radar and saw that there was another big storm coming. When I saw that, I thought I'd try some photography that I'd never tried before. Little did I know that I was about to get some pictures that I have always wanted to get.

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