Friday, November 19, 2010


Our thoughts are with God, as Noah's dove was in the ark, kept up to Him a little against their inclinations and desire; but when once they can break away, they fly up and down over all the world to see (if it were possible) to find any rest out of God; but when we find that we seek in vain, and that the world is all covered with the waters of instable vanity and bitter vexation, and that there is no rest for the sole of our foot, or for the foot of our soul, no wonder then if we return to the ark again. 
(Baxter, Richard. The Saints' Everlasting Rest. 1650)

I have found Baxter's insight into the nature of human thoughts very accurate. Flitting about in search of a place to land is certainly the tendency of my mind. It often seems like I think about everything but that which I most need to think about: my God and His steadfast love. Scripture is very clear on the kinds of things we need to think about: "On the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works, I will meditate" (Psalm 145:5. Also see Psalm 1, Philippians 4:8).

Like the dove in the photograph above, we must learn to content ourselves on the only Branch that can satisfy us. We may think that there's a better perch out there somewhere, but there isn't. There will be no rest for our minds until we settle upon that most wonderful Perch: God Himself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tyler, I really wanted to end the Baxter quote with, "Obadiah Bumbley." but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Maybe next time . . . ;)