Friday, January 8, 2010


For where we live, I don't do anywhere near enough bird photography. Our yard is teeming with birds, so you'd think I'd get more pictures of them. But I don't! It's pretty sad. And they're so much fun to get pictures of too. It does take patience though. The birds pictured below are the only ones that I have gotten in a year. I hope to do more bird photography, and more wildlife photography in general this year.

This bird is called a Cedar Waxwing. We don't seem them very often, only two or three times a year, but they sure are pretty.
This was taken early last year during our big ice storm. It's a Blue Jay, common, mean, obnoxious, and yet beautiful. But you can't help but love him when he's puffed up like that!
These were three crows or something perched on a tree just to the west of our house. I got the picture from our front porch.
This is a vulture, or buzzard, that I photographed as he swooped over the trees on a cloudy fall day.
This is a Titmouse. We have lots of them, but they're very cute.
This is a Blue Bird. This and the next picture were in my last blog post, but since they were birds, I figured I should post them anyway. I did crop them to make the birds easier to see though.

This is a Downy Woodpecker. I love these little guys!

This is a Purple Finch. They mostly only show up in winter time, but I like them too.

I like taking pictures of animals, and birds are a little easier than, say, deer, so hopefully they'll be showing up a bit more often in the future.


vdhkids said...

oh how I love those cedar waxwings

audrey said...

...and doesn't it look as if it's been sitting on the paint-pot and accidentally dipped its tail in!!

They are all so very cute!

This is a confession: - that both my husband and I thought that a titmouse was a tiny field mouse!!!