Saturday, March 20, 2010

Early Spring

Well, I know I just did a semi-spring post, but I just love spring so much that I've gotta post another. So hang with me!

Right now, spring is just beginning. Like the picture on the left, the very first greens are just beginning to come out of the ground. This was a little fern I found early this week, one of the first greens I saw. In the background is all the brown, dull, deadness of fall, but in the focus the green plant demonstrates that new life springs out even from a world of surrounding death.

Below is pictured several of Mom's daffodils coming out of the ground. Now, less than a week later, the first of these daffodils have budded and started putting out flowers. Even now, I'm trying to take a time lapse of them opening. Maybe in a little while that video will show up in my videography page.

Don't ask what the picture on the left is. It's just what Tyler and I would call "interpretive," meaning that isn't really anything but a strange, unusual, and curiosity pricking picture. Below is a picture of the first flower I saw this spring.

The change from the cold of winter to the warmth of spring has made for some beautiful scenes. Whether it's flowers, weeds, leaves, or grass, God's creation, which seems to be renewing itself in spring, is gorgeous!

My all time favorite reminder that spring gives me is, without a doubt, the life Christ gives to the dead. The way He takes brown, dull, dead, lifeless people and brings them to life is simply awesome. And I see that reminder all over the place as trees, bushes, flowers, and grass are given new life for this year. I'm so thankful God chose to send this reminder on a yearly basis!

1 comment:

Tyler van der Hoeven said...

Wow, your blog looks great! Nice "spring cleaning"! Very nice post too with some amazing pictures to boot. I really need to get out and take some photos myself.