Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Doe and Her Fawn

A few days back, I was in the woods when I stumbled upon a tiny fawn curled up in the weeds. He was absolutely adorable, but for fear of somehow causing his mother to abandon him, I left pretty quickly. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me, and the next day when I returned with my camera, he was gone.

However, yesterday morning as I was heading out to feed our dog, I glanced down toward The Field (see map at the bottom of the page) and saw the fawn and its mother! I was terribly excited, so I ducked down out of sight and quietly fed the dog. I then returned to the house, grabbed my camera and tripod, and got positioned. It was tricky, because I knew that the instant the doe saw me, she would take off. I stayed in the weeds and zoomed my camera. The picture on the bottom is my favorite. For an enlargement, I think you can just click on the image.

I was even able to set up and take a movie. It may be difficult to see, but the fawn skips out toward the middle of the screen, then returns to its mother nearer to the bottom.

It was absolutely beautiful watching those two animals. The doe was eating the grass, and the fawn was skipping around playing. I've never seen anything like it before. I wish I could have gotten better photos! Some of the things God creates display His power, and others His majesty, but this one displayed something else: His tenderness and love, both in the delicacy of this playful fawn and in the mother's care for it. What a beautiful experience. Thanks God!


vdhkids said...

I am so so glad God chose you to see it and capture it on film for us. What a gift to stumble upon a hidden baby. Well, not literally, but you know what I mean. ;)

Unknown said...

I don't think he would have thought it such a gift if I had stumbled on him literally! :)